O Lord Blues (Psalm 88)
An aching blues for one of the most disturbing texts in the Bible.
Why does it hurt like this? Why so slow?
Why does it hurt like this? Why so low?
Why does it hurt like this? Why so slow?
Silver lining: Maybe there'll be no tomorrow
O Lord! O Lord! Drowning in the thick, sick air
O Lord! O Lord! Stench of death is everywhere O Lord!
How could life go this way? How so wrong?
How could life go this way? How so long?
How could life go this way? How so wrong?
You either left me or you were never here at all
O Lord! O Lord! Lonely tears have been my prayer
O Lord! O Lord! Can't see no-thing good no where, O Lord!
Why does it hurt like this? Why so bad?
Why does it hurt like this? I've been had
Why does it hurt like this? Why so bad?
I never thought anyone could feel this sad
O Lord! O Lord! Darkness is my only friend
O Lord! O Lord! Thanks a lot for nothing at the end
©2020 Worldmaking.net (ASCAP) All rights reserved.
Please use only by permission.
Licensed via CCLI, OneLicense.net and Worldmaking.net.
Contact: Richard@worldmaking.net.
O Lord Blues
Only $10.00
O Lord Blues Accompaniment Pack:
all charts above
powerpoint lyric slides
original mp3 recordings
mp3 instrumental accompaniment track
O Lord Blues
Accompaniment Pack
O Lord Blues Charts:
piano score
lead sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpg of congregational line
songleader's notes
Sing it with your circle