Psalm 22 is a classic lament psalm, a moment of trust amid terror. The text begins with a cry for help, develops through a description of trouble and ends in praise and gratitude.
My God, O My God (Psalm 22)
My God, O my God, why have You forgotten me?
My God, O my God, how can You be silent now?
i The dogs are closing in; my mouth is dry
Where is God in my despair so far from my cries
ii Our ancestors put their trust in you
And you delivered them
I’ve been yours since I was a baby-- no
even before I was born, even before then
iii I am poured out like water; my heart is melting
Please do not be distant from me, O God,
my strength
Do you hear me call for your help?
iv I will declare your name
The poor will eat and for once be satisfied
Those who seek the Holy One
Shall lift their praises, lift their praises high
My soul will live for God
And everyone will stand in awe of God’s love
My children’s children and their children
will be in God’s heart
They will proclaim God’s saving love
proclaim God’s saving love
proclaim God’s saving love…
©2007 Augsburg Fortress Publishing
Sing it with your circle
My God, O My God is on the "Sharing the Road" album.
Album songbook available here.
My God, O My God Charts:
piano score
lead sheet
lyric sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpg of congregational line
songleader's notes
My God, O My God Charts
Only $10.00
My God, O My God Accompaniment Pack:
all charts above
powerpoint & keynote lyric slides
original mp3 recording
two mp3 instrumental accompaniment tracks
My God, O My God
Accompaniment Pack
Only $12.00
O Love! (Psalm 22)
Singing celebration after getting through a tough time.
Verse 1:
O Love, you never turned away
O Love, you never turned away
We remember and return to you
O Love, you never turned away
O Love, O Love, O Love
Our hearts will sing
O Love, O Love, O Love
Verse 2:
O Love, you listened when we cried
O Love, you listened when we cried
We remember and return to you
O Love, you listened when we cried Refrain
Verse 3:
O Love, you brought us through the pain
O Love, you brought us through the pain
We remember and return to you
O Love, you brought us through the pain Refrain
Verse 4:
O Love, your story is our life
O Love, your story is our life
We remember and return to you
O Love, your story is our life Refrain
©2021 (ASCAP) All rights reserved.
Please use only with permission.
Licensed via, CCLI and
O Love!
Only $10.00
O Love! Accompaniment Pack:
all charts above
powerpoint lyric slides
original mp3 recording
Three mp3 instrumental accompaniment tracks
O Love!
Accompaniment Pack
O Love! Charts:
piano score
lead sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpg of congregational line
songleader's notes
Sing it with your circle