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You've discovered the secret portal holding the exclusive drop-the-needle sample of







Songs represented, in order:


  • Restore Us (Psalm 80) - the happiest-sounding lament you'll ever hear

  • That's How We Walk (Psalm 15) - simple wisdom set for your children's choir

  • The Holy Heart of Justice (Psalm 9) - singing desparate hope, trust and gratitude all in one breath

  • Under God (Psalm 2) - a lamenting plea to world leaders

  • Deliver Us (Psalm 58) - when we pray for justice, are we ready to change our own lives?

  • We Lift Our Eyes To You (Psalm 123) - a lament surrendering our own agendas for holy change

  • The Blessing of Life Forevermore (Psalm 133) - blessings crossing borders is a sign of the Holy One

  • Be a Blessing (Psalm 72) - a song of urgency and support I'll be sending to President Obama

  • Love and Justice (Psalm 101) - two essentials integrated into one way of living

  • Close to Your Heart (Psalm 15) - opening ourelves to being taught, guided, led is a rare prayer indeed

  • I Am For Peace (Psalm 120) - a proclamation set for rock band, banjo and pipe organ

  • Bring Us Justice (Psalm 26) - a lament aching for change

  • Faithfully Angry (Psalm 58) - because anger can be good fuel for change

  • Move (Psalm 109) - will we take action when it's called for?

  • Love Stands With (Psalm 109) - a mash-up of a favorite New Testament story and Psalm 109


LOVE STANDS WITH is volume 4 of the Psalm Project.

CD & songbook (with downloads thereof) available Novermberish 2014.

LoveStandsWith medley - Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan
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