Topic: Ecology & Creation
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Creation's Hallelujah
Psalm 148
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
1. From the sky, from beyond the moon and stars / Let it ring from the highest, brightest place
2. From the soil deep without our planet’s core / Feel it swell from the deepest, darkest place
3. Every life, you that thrive in land and sea / Sing your praise: every sparrow, bug and whale
4. Young and old, those with power, those oppressed / Bring your praise, every person on the earth
5. From the storms, flood & earthquake, fire & snow / Praise will roar from the heavens to the earth
6. Ah Hallel, Hallelujah Hallelu
©2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Use only by permission. Licensing via AugsburgFortress.org and OneLicense.net.
How Great Is Your Name
Psalm 8
How great is your name How great is your name / How great is your name in all of the earth
1. You have covered the skies with your splendor
You have filled up the heavens with your majesty, O Holy One
2. From the mouths of the children you bring strength...
3.When we look at the work of your fingers...
4. Making all of us just beneath angels...
©2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Use only by permission. Licensing via AugsburgFortress.org and OneLicense.net.