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Year C Lent/Holy Week/Easter
Ash Wednesday Psalm 51.1-17
1 Lent Psalm 91.1-2, 9-16
2 Lent Psalm 27
3 Lent Psalm 63.1-8
4 Lent Psalm 32
5 Lent Psalm 126
6th Sunday (Passion Sunday) Psalm 31.9-16
6th Sunday (Palm Sunday) Psalm 118.1-2, 19-29
Holy Week Monday Psalm 36.5-11
Holy Week Tuesday Psalm 71.1-14
Holy Week Wednesday Psalm 70
Maundy Thursday Psalm 116.1-2, 12-19
Good Friday Psalm 22
Holy Saturday Psalm 31.1-4, 15-16
Easter Vigil Psalms 136.1-9, 23-26; 46; 16; 19; 42; 43; 143; 98; 114
Easter Day Psalm 118.1-2, 14-24
Easter Evening Psalm 114
2 Easter Psalm 118.14-29 or Psalm 150
3 Easter Psalm 30
4 Easter Psalm 23
5 Easter Psalm 148
6 Easter Psalm 67
Ascension of the Lord Psalm 47 or Psalm 93
7 Easter Psalm 97
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